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1Q 2017 Baker Tilly World EB-5 Market Report

2017-05-11 1232 人阅读
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Seeking to capitalize on our recent merger with prominent EB-5 consulting firm Wright Johnson and accelerate our growing EB-5 practice, Baker Tilly Capital’s EB-5 team spent the first quarter of 2017 traveling to both emerging and established EB-5 markets. The efforts were led by Baker Tilly Capital’s leadership team of Michael Fitzpatrick, Aaron Goforth and Kevin Wright.


The team met with strategic partners, including leaders from local Baker Tilly International member firms, and potential investors in several countries including China, India, Vietnam, Turkey, Russia, Mexico and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).


While China continues to lead the EB-5 market, it is under increasing pressure due to government currency controls and delays caused by retrogression. Currency controls in the PRC will soon tighten. Beginning July 1, 2017, banks and other financial institutions in China will have to report all domestic and overseas cash transactions of more than 50,000 Yuan (approximately $7,200 USD). Financial institutions in China will also be required to disclose foreign transfers made by individuals of $10,000 USD or more. During our recent trip to China, we met with resources that may lead to an acceptable pathway to help investors fund their EB-5 investment through Baker Tilly Capital.


Additionally, prolonged processing times for I-526 petitions and retrogression delays are causing many investors to consider alternative EB-5 investment strategies. Baker Tilly Capital is currently assisting Chinese agents in cases where a broker-dealer is required to facilitate an EB-5 investment where the parents in China are gifting the investment funds to their child attending a university in the U.S. Finally, with 23 affiliate accounting offices across China, we are developing a pre-immigration tax planning service to help investors structure their tax planning before receiving a green card to maximize their potential tax savings.  


With waiting times extending longer than five years and the impending currency controls coming on July 1, 2017, we have placed an emphasis on expanding our source of investors outside of the Chinese market, to include Vietnam, Turkey, India, UAE, Russia, Mexico and Canada.


Vietnam is one of the fastest growing EB-5 markets, which is shaping up consistent with the Chinese distribution model with migration agents holding seminars. However the market is not fully mature and Baker Tilly Capital is pursuing relationships with multiple migration agencies by educating a wide array of migration agents and immigration lawyers about EB-5. Tom Holter, who previously lived and practiced law in Vietnam, conducted seminars and investor meetings during the first quarter throughout the country in conjunction with Baker Tilly Vietnam.


The Turkish market is currently experiencing a surge of EB-5 activity as the wealthy population is concerned over recently passed referendums that give unprecedented power to their current leader. Baker Tilly Turkey is actively involved in EB-5 and Baker Tilly Capital is developing a series of seminars and organizing meetings with their clients. In March, Baker Tilly hosted educational seminars at the SoHo House in Istanbul and the Hilton Bosphorus. We look forward to hosting quarterly seminars in Turkey and expect to work with a growing number of investors in the foreseeable future.


The UAE also holds considerable EB-5 promise. After multiple trips in the first quarter of 2017, we have established relationships with several partners in the UAE that are actively working with us to build the EB-5 market. While there is significant uncertainty in the market owing to the current political climate, we have found strong demand for EB-5 among the Indian population residing in the UAE and we expect a steady flow of Indian investors from the country.


After visiting and speaking with investors in Mumbai, Aminabad, New Delhi and Chennai, we have compiled several interesting observations about the potential EB-5 market in India.  A majority of investors indicate a preference to make a direct investment in a project of their own rather than a passive investment in a larger Regional Center project. We believe and can demonstrate that many of their concerns can be overcome and that the market is growing rapidly. We have noticed that the larger Regional Center operators have made a significant investment in these markets and have a strong presence. Additionally, niche projects that offer an equity investment with some potential for upside and a low number of investors are very attractive to a segment of the Indian market.


We believe that Russia and CIS countries hold strong potential for EB-5. We hosted events throughout the region and are developing relationships with numerous immigration consultants.  These consultants indicated there’s a strong market for the immigration-based investments that they offer for Malta, Cyprus and other programs, and they perceive demand for EB-5 as well.  We are finalizing negotiations to add several independent contractors to support our efforts in these markets.


Closer to home, we continue to develop the domestic investor market among persons currently in the U.S. in a non-immigrant status who wish to avail themselves of the relatively expedient route to legal permanent residence offered by EB-5. We are cultivating the immigrant investor market in our neighboring countries, Canada and Mexico. Our efforts in Mexico are a part of our larger Latin America initiative which will see our professionals spending significant amounts of time in the region this year.


Domestically, Baker Tilly’s EB-5 consulting practice has provided its various services to over 70 clients in the first quarter of 2017. With the successful integration of Wright Johnson’s EB-5 consulting practice, Baker Tilly Capital now has the ability to offer a wide range of EB-5 services to its clients, including:

· TEA designations

· Economic analysis

· EB-5 compliant business plans

· Broker dealer compliance and distribution

Click here to learn more about the EB-5 Immigrant Investor Program and connect with our team.


About Baker Tilly Capital

Baker Tilly Capital, LLC, member FINRA and SIPC, is a boutique investment bank specializing in comprehensive project finance, EB-5, mergers and acquisitions, capital sourcing, and corporate finance advisory. Baker Tilly Capital is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Baker Tilly Virchow Krause, LLP, an accounting firm. Baker Tilly Virchow Krause, LLP is an independently owned and managed Member of Baker Tilly International.


About Baker Tilly Virchow Krause, LLP (bakertilly.com)

Baker Tilly Virchow Krause, LLP (Baker Tilly) is a nationally recognized, full-service accounting and advisory firm whose specialized professionals connect with clients and their businesses through refreshing candor and clear industry insight. With approximately 2,700 employees across the United States, Baker Tilly is ranked as one of the 15 largest accounting and advisory firms in the country. Headquartered in Chicago, Baker Tilly is an independent member of Baker Tilly International, a worldwide network of independent accounting and business advisory firms in 147 countries, with 28,000 professionals. The combined worldwide revenue of independent member firms is $3.8 billion.



These materials may not be used or relied upon for any purpose other than as authorized by written agreement with Baker Tilly Capital, LLC. Baker Tilly Capital, LLC does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness or suitability of the content of the materials for any purpose. Any comments made in the materials are opinions with no guarantee that any expressed course of events will actually transpire. Securities, when offered, and transaction advisory services are offered through Baker Tilly Capital, LLC, Member FINRA and SIPC; Office of Supervisory Jurisdiction located at Ten Terrace Court, Madison, WI 53718; phone 800 362 7301. Baker Tilly Capital, LLC is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Baker Tilly Virchow Krause, LLP, an accounting firm. Baker Tilly Virchow Krause, LLP is an independently owned and managed Member of Baker Tilly International.

© 2017 Baker Tilly Virchow Krause, LLP



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    想要在美国定居,首先需要一个合法身份,比如,留学生、持有工签的国际工作者、移民等,取得永久居留权以后就能在美国正常工作和生活了。 通常来说,定居美国最常见也是最靠谱的途径就是拿到美国绿卡,在美国获得合法身份,就能在美国买房定居。 移民美国的方式有很多,最常见的有技术移民、投资移民、雇主担保移民等。 美国有五十个州,每个州各有特色,华人比较集中的州是加利福尼亚州,加州是美国第三大州,全美第二大城市洛杉矶(LA)就位于加州。这里一年四季都很温暖,工作机会也很多,是不少华人移民的理想栖息地。

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    移民加拿大可以有多种途径,比如雇主担保移民、留学生转移民、技术移民、投资移民和商业移民等多种方法。 雇主担保移民是比较热门的其中一个移民项目,因为该项目申请条件要求低,申请速度快。留学生转移民适用于曼省高等学校毕业生,技术移民是加拿大政府根据本国的就业市场,专业需求和国家整体发展规划,有计划地向外吸收人才的一个移民项目。投资移民和商业移民对于申请人的资产有要求。 不同的申请条件适用不同的移民加拿大项目,最好是先做一个移民评估,才能得出最适合自己的移民方案。

  • 美国移民条件需要满足哪些要求?
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    很多想移民美国的朋友都会陷入一个误区:移民美国是不是很难?凭借自己的条件能否顺利拿到绿卡? 如果你了解美国的移民政策,就会发现,移民美国的门槛其实并没有想象中那么高。 为什么这么说呢?很简单,移民美国的不一定全都是高端人才,除了杰出人才移民和技术移民,普通人移民美国,还有其他方式。 如果你有经商经验,或者跨国公司高管经验,可以选择创业移民,或者投资移民,为美国创造就业机会。 而对于那些没钱投资移民,也无法走技术移民和杰出人才移民的人,可以选择EB-3非技术移民,门槛非常低,只要年满18周岁、身体健康、无犯罪记录就能申请,申请成功后,为美国雇主工作一年就能在美国自行选择工作和定居地。



