美移首页 > 移民攻略 > MASTER of All Trades- What to study in order to get a job in Australia?
If you want to plan your future ahead in Australia, you may want to know where the future stands.
The newly released Industry Employment Projections 2017 Report by the Department of Employment will be the most reliable information that you could count on.
According to the report, Health Care and Social Assistance is projected to make the largest contribution to employment growth (increasing by 250,500), followed by Professional, Scientific and Technical Services (126,400), Construction (120,700) and Education and Training (116,200). Together, these four industries are projected to provide 61.5 per cent of total employment growth over the five years to May 2022.
Share of projected employment growth, by industry - five years to May 2022
(Source: Industry Employment Projections 2017 Report, Department of Employment)
Therefore, your bright future is hinged on your choice of study today.
Australian Visa Station is the registered agent for many VET education providers in Australia, and we can help you to enroll in a range of VET courses listed below:
·Early Childcare
·Community Sector Management
·Community services
·Health and Allied Services
·Training and Assessment
·Early childhood Education
·IT courses
·Commercial cookery
·Age care
·Tourism Management (Bachelor)
·Event and Conference Management (Bachelor)
If you find yourself are talented or interested in these fields or you simply want to work towards your dream with an informed plan, you have an easy decision to make.
Courses are available to both domestic and international students with various education providers to choose from. Please contact Australian Visa Station today to enquire. Australian Visa Station can help you to enroll and obtain a student visa (subclass 500) if you are an international student.
Be a master of your trade, be smart in making your choices!
根据该报告,医疗保健以及社区协助服务将带来最大的就业增长(增长250,500个岗位),之后是专业、科学和技术服务行业(增长126,400),建筑业(120,700)以及教育和培训(116,200)。 这四个行业将提供未来5年内直到2022年5月就业增长总额的61.5%。
据澳大利亚统计局最新报告发布,数据显示澳大利亚近三分之一的人口出生在海外。截至2019年6月30日,移民群体的分布体现出英国裔数量仍处在澳洲移民第一位,共有98万人,澳大利亚华人的数量一直在增加,目前的人口是67.7万人,排在第二位。每日电讯报预测,根据现在的趋势,澳大利亚华人将在未来几年内问鼎榜首。 目前澳大利亚华人聚居最多的5大城市是:悉尼、墨尔本、布里斯班、珀斯、阿德莱德等。这5个城市是澳洲移民最喜欢的地方,自然也是华人聚集地了。 在澳洲生活的华人还是相当幸福的,地广人稀,自然环境良好的澳洲,尤其是空气质量非常好,多次获得全球环境绩效指标得分榜第一,想想在澳洲呼吸的每一口空气,是全球最奢侈、最顶级的空气,而生活在澳洲这个连续七年被评为全球最宜居城市,会有一种幸福感和满足感。
近期受新冠疫情的影响,澳大利亚房价也有所波动,据《澳大利亚金融评论》(The Australian Financial Review)报道,墨尔本和悉尼的高端房产市场呈下降趋势。那么很多人会问,澳洲买房移民靠谱吗?很多国家的确是可以直接在当地买房就能移民的情况,例如常见的西班牙、希腊等,但是对于澳洲来说,如果你只是想通过买房去移民澳洲,那么是不行的,你必须要要具备其他的移民条件才行。 如果想去澳洲,与其选择不靠谱的买房移民,还不如了解一下澳洲投资移民项目,投资移民是最简单申请通过率最高的方式。
澳大利亚以其高质量的生活水平、优越的经商环境、公平的移民政策、良好的教育设施以及宜居的生活环境等优势深深地吸引着各国移民,尤其是中国人。澳洲作为一个移民大国,移民政策已经相对成熟完善。目前澳大利亚移民方式大致可以划分为四类。 一、商业投资移民:适合有钱任性的高净值人士 二、雇主担保移民 :适合国内那些工作后想移民澳洲的中产阶级 三、技术移民:适合那些高学历,年轻,英语能力,职业技术过硬的人 四、家庭团聚移民 :适合子女是澳洲公民,父母想移民的人群