美移首页 > 移民攻略 > 川普移民改革法案对EB-5的影响
2017年8月1日,一项即将大幅缩减合法移民数量的新移民法案正式出炉,它被称作"RAISE Act",意指"美国移民"改革促进就业法案。虽然这项法案得到了总统川普的支持,但它却并没有收获所有共和党的青睐,因此,它的去向如何还有待时间的检验。有趣的是,这项法案如果被实施,它给EB-5投资移民和其它职业移民所带来的影响将不容小觑。
RAISE Act Effects on EB-5 Visa
On August 1, 2017, an immigration bill was introduced which would significantly cut legal immigration. The bill is called the RAISE Act and it stands for Reforming American Immigration for a Strong Employment Act. Although the bill has President Trump’s support, it does not have the support of all the Republicans and so is not likely to move forward. Interestingly, the Bill would have pretty impactful consequences on the investor visa, EB-5, as well as other employment based visas.
The new system would involve a point system that would require applicants to have 30 points or higher in order to immigrate to the U.S. Investors such as the ones that were previously interested in the EB-5 program would still receive points for their investments, but the significance of those investments would now be greatly reduced. Investors would get 6 points if they invest $1.35 million in a US new commercial enterprise, and 12 points if they invest $1.8 million in a US new commercial enterprise. The difference here, besides the significant increase in investment amount, is that investors would now need to “actively manage the commercial enterprise as their primary occupation.” This means that all previously relied upon “Regional Centers” would now become more or less obsolete, as the investors would now need to be directly involved in the investment opportunity. One of the key factors contributing to the EB-5 program’s growth as a significant source of development capital is the minimal management requirement. Investors were not required to have an active management role within any of the regional centers with whom they invested in. As such, an active management requirement would significantly restrict the EB-5 program’s usefulness by limiting the program strictly to entrepreneurs as opposed to primary investors.
Again, the bill is not likely to move forward, but if it were to be successful, total immigration would likely be reduced, but illegal immigration would probably rise, likely making the economy suffer once more. If you have any questions about this newly proposed immigration bill and how it might affect you, or any other immigration related questions, please feel free to call Buda Law Group any time.
想要在美国定居,首先需要一个合法身份,比如,留学生、持有工签的国际工作者、移民等,取得永久居留权以后就能在美国正常工作和生活了。 通常来说,定居美国最常见也是最靠谱的途径就是拿到美国绿卡,在美国获得合法身份,就能在美国买房定居。 移民美国的方式有很多,最常见的有技术移民、投资移民、雇主担保移民等。 美国有五十个州,每个州各有特色,华人比较集中的州是加利福尼亚州,加州是美国第三大州,全美第二大城市洛杉矶(LA)就位于加州。这里一年四季都很温暖,工作机会也很多,是不少华人移民的理想栖息地。
移民加拿大可以有多种途径,比如雇主担保移民、留学生转移民、技术移民、投资移民和商业移民等多种方法。 雇主担保移民是比较热门的其中一个移民项目,因为该项目申请条件要求低,申请速度快。留学生转移民适用于曼省高等学校毕业生,技术移民是加拿大政府根据本国的就业市场,专业需求和国家整体发展规划,有计划地向外吸收人才的一个移民项目。投资移民和商业移民对于申请人的资产有要求。 不同的申请条件适用不同的移民加拿大项目,最好是先做一个移民评估,才能得出最适合自己的移民方案。
很多想移民美国的朋友都会陷入一个误区:移民美国是不是很难?凭借自己的条件能否顺利拿到绿卡? 如果你了解美国的移民政策,就会发现,移民美国的门槛其实并没有想象中那么高。 为什么这么说呢?很简单,移民美国的不一定全都是高端人才,除了杰出人才移民和技术移民,普通人移民美国,还有其他方式。 如果你有经商经验,或者跨国公司高管经验,可以选择创业移民,或者投资移民,为美国创造就业机会。 而对于那些没钱投资移民,也无法走技术移民和杰出人才移民的人,可以选择EB-3非技术移民,门槛非常低,只要年满18周岁、身体健康、无犯罪记录就能申请,申请成功后,为美国雇主工作一年就能在美国自行选择工作和定居地。